Making A Difference
For this year’s annual e4health Holiday Drive, e4health partnered with the Foster Families Assistance Network to provide gifts for children in need. Last year’s successful initiative to buy gifts for 50 children through the Salvation Army started a company tradition that really exemplifies one of e4health’s core values – Our PEOPLE Make The Difference. This year, the e4health Team made the difference for 75 children – making sure to fufill their wish list requests in time for Christmas. For a company that’s 100% remote, the logistical coordination needed to execute these Holiday Drives is always one of the biggest challenges, but that never stops the Team from making it happen. We already look forward to next year!
To learn more about FFAN, please visit: Foster Family Assistance Network – Helping provide essential resources to ensure the success of foster child placement.

Brittany Tobitt
e4health Culture Council Member
“Leading the Holiday Drive initiative this year for FFAN was the highlight of my December. These children deserve more than life has provided them. I am honored to work with such generous and supporting team members. This was not possible without our team stepping in and purchasing gifts. Being able to use my talents to organize and facilitate delivery paled in comparison to the support of our team. I truly hope each of these children smile and worry less about their circumstances when they open their gifts.”