e4health Team Member Spotlight: Amy Stern

Biweekly, we shine a spotlight on a member of the e4health Team who is truly making an impact.

Today, we’re putting Amy Stern in the Team Spotlight!

amy stern

“Speaking about projects where Amy was a lead for me; Whenever it was possible, Amy took the time to personally interact with each member on how to best solve an issue we may have been having. Whether it was a goofy mistake- or a frequent “mess up”; she firmly but respectfully guided me in the right direction. I learned so much about this job and about myself while working with Amy. In addition to having to be the “bad guy” and correct the team on not making productivity etc etc…Amy kept a sense of humor and light hearted atmosphere in Teams when possible. As we all know, the deadlines of this work can be stressful at times, but having Amy as a lead really helped ease the tension on most days. She was open to suggestions of how to make things easier/streamlined (as long as it was within the scope of what the client wanted), and she was so encouraging to our whole team, cheering us on along the way. I am thankful to have worked with Amy Stern.”

“I was fortunate enough to have Amy as a PM/Team Lead, and for our particular project, it was full of constant changes required to meet the clients needs. Amy fully embraced each change and kept all of us informed so that we could adapt and learn new ways to achieve those goals. She is organized, fun, and detail-oriented! Amy was able to keep spirits high with great humor and strong leadership.”

“As a Leader, Amy always makes sure our Team works together to get our work done. No one is ever left behind, and she takes into account all situations, good and bad, and somehow makes it work. She always makes sure to answer every question and assists us in making sure we learn from our mistakes in a fun way. I don’t think she knows how much we value her.”

Let’s Hear From Amy …

What’s your secret sauce? How do you make it look so easy?

I think the secret to my success so far is being unapologetically me. I am silly, sarcastic, and I love to make people laugh and have a little fun whether I am home, at work, at the Dr’s office, or in the grocery store. That’s just who I am. I am extremely extroverted and love to talk to people. I really try to make sure I put people at ease, especially when it comes to work. I truly make sure to treat everyone as my equal and I will always get right in there and do the work with them. You can be guaranteed that while we are doing that work, I will throw out some GIF’s and some jokes and we will have some laughs! I think anyone who has been on my team can attest to that for sure!

What are you passionate about? In or out of work.

I’m not sure I would call it passionate, but when I am not working and driving my kids to their various activities, I really love watching True Crime shows. I am not big on movies… but give me a good True Crime Documentary any day! I also really enjoy the beach, challenging myself in the gym, and doing online jigsaw puzzles. And of course, spending time with my family and dogs.

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Amy’s “soul dog”, Dexter.  He’s a pittie mix!

soul dog dexter

Amy’s other dog, Elvis!

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