Recrudescence of a Prior Stroke
Per Coding Clinic, Second Quarter 2024:
Recrudescence of an infarction refers to the recurrence of stroke-related deficits from a previous/old stroke. Therefore, it is appropriate to assign sequela(e) codes for conditions documented as due to recrudescence of a stroke. ‘Recrudescence’ has also been added to the ICD-10-CM Alphabetic Index and instructs the coder to ‘See Sequelae, infarction, cerebral.’
Code Example:
A patient with a PMH of stroke currently on Coumadin presented due to L sided facial weakness, numbness and tingling. The patient was admitted and worked up for her complaints. No acute pathology was found, and the patient was diagnosed with recrudescence of a prior left juxtacortical stroke.
Code Assignment:
Assign codes: I69.392, Facial weakness following cerebral infarction and I69.398, Other sequelae of cerebral infarction, for numbness and tingling.
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