CDI Tip: Functional Quadriplegia

Understanding Functional Quadriplegia

A Guide to Functional Quadriplegia

Explore the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for Acute Tubular Necrosis, a severe disability caused by a condition that does not involve the spinal cord.

What is Functional Quadriplegia?

Defining Functional Quadriplegia

Describes a complete inability to move due to severe disability caused by a condition that does not involve the spinal cord. It can be seen in patients at the end stages of dementia when they lack the mental function to assist with movement. 

Terms like “total care” or “bedridden” may indicate that the patient has functional quadriplegia. 

Functional quadriplegia is not expected to improve over time. 

The diagnosis should not be used to describe patients with traumatic injuries, critical illness myopathy, or any reversible condition. 

Diagnostic Criteria

  • Complete inability to move extremities, no history of spinal cord injury or damage, a history that supports an inability to move independently or provide self-care, and collaborative documentation from other healthcare staff (nursing, PT, etc.). 
  • Two key components of the Braden Scale used by nursing can be indicators that functional quadriplegia applies 
    • Activity-this scores the patient’ level of activity 
    • Mobility-this scores the patient’s ability to reposition independently 
  • The Braden Scale components are scored 1-4 with the lowest score being indicative of a greater degree of impairment.  
    • Example: If the patient’s Activity and Mobility scores are 1 each, this patient needs investigation for functional quadriplegia. 

Coding Considerations

  • It would be very unusual for functional quadriplegia to be the principal diagnosis. The reason for admission could be a complication related to immobility. Functional quadriplegia is an MCC, HCC and Elixhauser variable. 
  • R53.2, Functional Quadriplegia 
    • Excludes 1 note: 
      • Frailty (R54) 
      • Hysterical paralysis (F44.4) 
      • Immobility syndrome (M62.3) 
      • Neurological quadriplegia (G82.5-) 
      • Quadriplegia (G82.50) 
    • Review AHA Coding Clinic, Fourth Quarter 2008, p.143 
    • The diagnosis of functional quadriplegia impacts risk adjustment factor scores for both Medicare Advantage and Affordable Care Act patients  
    • R53.2 is an MCC and may affect DRG assignment 

    CDI Practice Considerations

    • Functional quadriplegia should be considered when reviewing charts for patients who have diagnoses of severe/end stage dementia, or advanced neurodegenerative disorders such as MS, ALS, cerebral palsy, or Huntington’s disease. 
    • Always review the nursing assessments focusing on the functional assessment. Look for clues such as bed mobility and inability to perform ADLs. 
    • Patients with documented contractures will likely have functional quadriplegia. 
    • Always read PT notes, if available, before placing a query to validate mobility status. 
    • Some contributing conditions leading to functional quadriplegia are morbid obesity, chronic respiratory conditions, arthritis, and joint disease. 
    • Ensure the underlying disease process causing the functional quadriplegia is documented. 
    • Review the record for any complications associated with immobility, such as pressure injuries, aspiration, and malnutrition. 


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    The information and opinions presented here are based on the experience, training, and interpretation of the author. Although the information has been researched and reviewed for accuracy, e4health does not accept any responsibility or liability regarding errors, omission, misuse, or misinterpretation. This information is intended as a guide; it should not be considered a legal/consulting opinion or advice.